5 Countries with Unique Facts that They Have in the World – Let’s Know It Here!

What countries with unique facts that make it look interesting? In this world, there are some countries that have a diversity both from tradition and uniqueness that became his trademark. The simplest habits they do and become part of their lives can be said to be unique and interesting facts. Maybe some of you think that the country that exists in this world have no unique facts. However, there are some countries that keep or even have strange and interesting facts that make this country known to many people.

The tradition or uniqueness of this country is true. There are some things we do not know that you can find here. This certainly makes a lot of people curious. So, what countries that have interesting and unique facts? Check this out below!

5 Countries That Have Uniqueness

Tradition of Borrowing Wives in India

The primitive Indian beliefs that glorify the boys and deny the birth of women lead to the lack of both gender. This creates a moral contradiction, which is to share wives with siblings. This happens in the north of India, precisely in Baghpat district. This is included in a list of 5 countries with unique facts in the world.

The uniqueness of France

The funny fact about France is that beer which considered a luxury drink kept for a special occasion, while wine is cheaper until it appears almost in every meal.
Then, the French also have a distinctive style of eating called French Style. This diet is very slow, it’s not lazy, but they feel enjoy what is in the meal. Second, eat on time no matter already hungry or not. In addition, it also has good benefits for the body because digestion will work well.

Foot Binding or Binding Feet

This is one of the traditions to stop the growth of women’s legs of antiquity that occurred in China. This tradition has brought great suffering to Chinese women at that time. Foot binding usually starts from a child between four and seven years of age.
The binding of the foot is done by tightly wrapping the legs with a ten-foot-long, two-inch wide cloth, folding four toes to the bottom of the foot and pulling the toes on the heels. This makes the legs become shorter.
This also makes the blood cycle not smooth so it can make the leg meat become rotten and the feet can secrete pus. The smaller a girl’s feet the more beautiful she will be.

Do not use the Fan in South Korea!

Residents in South Korea believe in the curse of a fan. When you sleep in a closed room with a fan, they believe that your life will not last long. This sounds very strange, but South Koreans believe this. This includes something unique and strange, the country is also included countries with unique facts in the world.

The Kayan Burma Thai Beauty Tradition is Unique

Kayan tribe is between Burma and Thailand has unique beauty standards. Kayan women who have long and long necks will be considered beautiful by the men. Therefore, from the age of 5, Kayan’s daughters were given metal necklaces that we’re getting older as they grew older. Apart from being a beauty mark, the number of metal necklaces that extend their neck also shows social status. This is part of countries with unique facts in the world.

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