Effects Of Smoking On Your Body | Healthy Life

For those of you who like to smoke, this is a very dangerous that you have to aware of your health. Do you know a harmful of the effects of smoking? For those of you who do not know this, you should immediately look for the impact of smoking on your body! This is the important thing that you must know before you consume it!

Smoking is very popular and which done by most of the people, especially men. On this occasion, I would like to tell you an information about it. Indeed, the physical glimpse of the cigarette is not harmful, but if you know the composition within it, you will definitely be surprised. If you smoke constantly, this will make a person’s physical or condition deteriorated and dangerous. Therefore, I would like to give a review of the effects of smoking on a person. Several studies and medical experts have to prove themselves. What are they? You may take a look below!

The Dangers Effects of Smoking For The Body

  • The digestive system is disturbed
    Toxins in cigarette will erode the stomach lining and make digestive enzymes are not able to function properly. That is why heavy smokers have difficulty for digesting food. This is very danger for our body because it will make our body not healthy.
  • Smokers have an increased chance of getting stomach cancer or ulcers.
    Smoking can weaken the muscle that controls the lower end of your gullet (esophagus) and allows acid from the stomach to travel in the wrong direction back up your gullet, a process known as reflux. Smoking is a significant risk factor for developing kidney cancer, and the more you smoke the greater the risk.
  • Damaging our DNA
    Finally, smokers also damage the DNA in the body’s system. The nature of the damage is not known in detail until now. So that smoking is not only to destroy your health, but also threatening the future of your descendants.
  • Damaging the sense of taste
    If you are a heavy smoker, there is a possibility that you will lose flavor in the taste of food immediately. Therefore, smokers tend to like spicy food without complaining about the taste because their senses are dead. This is not good for your body because your dietary habit will not good.
  • The effects of tobacco smoke on the male and female body
    There some risk for lower sperm count, a higher percentage of deformed sperm and genetic damage to sperm. For the female, there are some risk such menopause reached one or two years earlier and increased risk of cancer of the cervix.
  • Hair loss
    Heavy smokers will get a high risk for hair loss and lead to premature baldness. The case is mostly experienced by men who used to smoke for a long time. For that, you should decrease your smoke to avoid the effects of smoking which very dangerous.
  • Dehydration
    Smoking also affects the fluid balance in the body. So smokers will be more frequent and more drinking than others. For a long-term impact of dehydration itself were dry lips, dry skin, and urinary tract disorders. For that, people who are smoking will get tired quickly.

Make your body keep a healthy and long life! Let’s stop your smoking from right now and do the best daily healthy life! Reduce the effect of smoking to make your life without suffering any diseases. Hopefully, this article are useful for you!

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