Homemade Fruit Facial Masks – 5 Fresh Fruit Selection

Getting a healthy, naturally healthy skin is everyone’s dream. In addition to the use of a cream that contains many chemical ingredients, now you can use fresh fruit as a face mask. There are several fruits that you can use for a homemade fruit facial masks. To avoid the dangerous things, now with natural ingredients like fruit can make your skin become healthy and moist.

However, not all the fruit that you can make a face mask. Before you make it, you must know the content of vitamins or peculiar property that exist in fruit. This is very important for the health of your face, so when wearing it, you get a satisfactory result. Look at some types of fresh fruit that you can make a face mask and know the benefits as well. Check this out!

5 Homemade Fresh Fruit Mask For Face

1. Papaya
papaya mask

Papaya fruit contains papain enzymes that can lift dead skin cells and help the skin to regenerate faster so that new cell growth will be faster. Therefore, it is very useful for beauty and health of your face. How to make this papaya mask itself is very easy that first, we must prepare papaya fruit to taste then blend until smooth, add a little honey for maximum results. After that, then apply on facial skin evenly and let stand for 20 minutes. Only then rinsed using clean water or it can be wiped with a towel that has been dipped in warm water.

2. Avocado

avocado mask

Avocado can be made as a face mask for facial beauty treatments. Using avocado as a face mask, can smooth your skin and also can overcome the dullness of the facial skin. So this avocado can be made as a fruit to make for homemade fruit facial masks. The trick is easy, that we prepare some avocado then puree using a blender. After that, apply on the face evenly and let stand for 20 minutes and the new can be rinsed.

3. Bengkoang

bengkoang mask

Bengkoang is a fruity that has been known since long ago has amazing benefits for skin beauty. Even some cosmetic manufacturers use bengkoang as a mixture of their products. Well, this bengkoang we can make a mask to whiten the face and how to make it very easy. The vitamins contained in this fruit can help brighten your face.

4. Tomatoes and Cucumbers

tomato and cucumber mask

Mixed tomatoes and cucumbers are a perfect combination to remove various facial skin problems. The content of vitamins A and C in tomatoes and cucumbers can make our skin becomes brighter and healthier. How to make homemade fruit facial masks is easy enough, first puree tomato using a blender and cucumber shredded only. Then after that mix the two ingredients and stir until evenly and then applied to the face as a mask. Let stand for 20 minutes then just after it rinsed using clean water, attention to avoid the eye area.

5. Lime

lime mask

The content of vitamin C in lime is very beneficial for skin beauty such as a whitening face, tighten skin, shrink pores and eliminate black spots. Well, this time we will discuss how to make homemade fruit facial masks from a lemon to whiten the face. First, we prepare some lemon and then squeeze and take the water, then after that add a spoon of honey and a spoon of olive oil. After the ingredients are mixed then apply on the skin evenly and leave for 30 minutes. After that just rinsed using clean water.

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