How To Reduce Cell Phone Radiation? 5 Ways To Be Followed!

There is a risk of mobile phone radiation which very dangerous for yourself. Therefore, you should know tips how to reduce cell phone radiation that can attack us. This time I will share a little information about this to you. Nowadays, most of the people are using HP in their activities.

Especially for people who like to phone up for hours, this can cause negative effects. FR wave generated from cell phone radiation can cause various diseases in the body such as cancer, brain tumor and kidney and heart failure. Today there are many cases of people who are slowly dying because of the disease that comes from FR waves. It will certainly affect your body health. So here I will give tips how to reduce cell phone radiation special for you! So, you will do the right things to avoid it.

5 Ways To Reduce Risk of Mobile Phone Radiation

  • Switch off a Mobile Phone

    The effective way to reduce a radiation from your mobile phone is you can switch off your phone. This can also be done when want to sleep and when we are doing activities that require a high concentration.

  • Using the Headset

    For those of you who often to use HP for phone, use a headset to keep your ear health. This is also the best way to reduce radiation emissions that work when you call. Because the headset function itself can prevent direct phone radiation to the brain tissue.

  • Use Flight Mode on HP

    Most mobile phone or modern smartphones provide flight mode feature to disable network signals, either incoming or outgoing. It can also be utilized to reduce HP radiation when we sleep and are not using mobile networks, such as watching offline videos, listening to music and activities on HP that do not require networking.

  • Turn on the speakers

    Wearing the speakers when calling or receiving calls will reduce the energy or danger level of radiation. Likewise, the farther you are from the HP antenna, the lower the radiation level. The headset cable on HP can also transmit a certain amount of electromagnetic radiation to the mobile phone user. Therefore it is wise to wear a headset cable. You may enable a loudspeaker feature when you communicating, this can reduce a direct radiation. In order to sound when the tone is not heard, you must set the volume on your phone. This is one of the best ways to make your ear keep healthy and avoid free radical.

  • Using Anti-Radiation Case

    Using a special casing to prevent the occurrence of radiation. This is the best solution for you. The trick is just by replacing your phone casing. Phones that use the casing have many benefits to ward off free radicals.

So, let’s follow and apply those tips how to reduce cell phone radiation above. You can avoid any harmful effects of the radiation in your mobile phone by applying the ways. Keep yourself healthy and hopefully, that information to avoid a risk of using handphone above is very useful for you! Good luck 😉

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