Benefits of Drinking Tea In The Morning – Daily Healthy Tips

Do you like to drink tea in the morning? Yeah, everyone surely was familiar with this kind of drink. You must know, there are lots of benefits of drinking tea. Most of the people sometimes think if you do this act, there is no advantage which we can get for our body. Drinking tea in the morning into a lifestyle and habits for most people, in addition, to make the spirit in starting the day, there was a cup of tea in the morning also have tremendous benefits for us.

There are many kinds of tea that secure to us for consuming. Recent research suggests that the antioxidants in tea very useful for reducing the risk of ovarian cancer endothelium, especially for a woman. Besides that, there is also others benefits which we can get for our health not only for a woman but also for others. If you want to know what is are they, you may scroll down your button, then check what are the benefits of drinking tea in the morning. I would like to share a little bit information about it for you! I hope this will bring a new knowledge for us. Let’s see them below!

5 Benefits Of Drinking Tea For Health

As the people who are like to drink a tea, you must know the advantage that we can get which very good for our health. For that, you should take a peek here, maybe some of you still don’t know what is it. Based on my experience, while I read from many sources, here I would share it with you!

1.Reduce a heart attack or stroke

In fact, nearly 20 percent reduction in the risk of heart attack and a 35 percent reduced a risk of stroke among those who drank one to three cups of green tea a day. Those who drank four or more cups of green tea daily had a 32 percent reduction in the risk of having a heart attack and lower levels of LDL cholesterol.

2. Reducing a stress

Consuming tea also proven to reduce the hormone cortisol which can cause stress. However, this can happen if the regular consumption occurred at least 6 weeks with a minimum of 3 cups of tea a day. With such numbers, 20% of cortisol can be reduced so that the tea drinkers will avoid stress and a more optimistic view of life and face various problems.

3. Lose weight

Much has been proven that consuming 3-4 cups of unsweetened tea a day can greatly help you lose weight significantly. These relate to the content of tea is free of calorie, except when mixed with other substances such as sugar and cream or milk. Even so, for you who do a program diet, it’s better if you drink a green tea.

4. Brightening Face

The content of antioxidants found in tea can get rid of toxins that stick to the skin and ward off free radicals. In addition, the benefits of drinking rooibos tea without sugar have full benefits of vitamin C, the benefits of magnesium and zinc benefits to eliminate brown spots that often appear on the face.

5. Increase Metabolism

The body’s metabolism can be enhanced and maximized with regular tea consumption. A polyphenol catechins in tea can stimulate and encourage the energy expenditure in the body to give the effect of a warm (thermogenesis) so fat that is immediately oxidized and increased insulin sensitivity.

So, now you already know the benefits of drinking tea, right? Get a lot the advantage above! make your body healthy and fresh. Choose the favorite tea that you like either it’s black tea or green tea, but you should remember don’t too much consume it. Consuming that one accordance to your needs!

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